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Invited Speakers

Keynote Speakers


President of the Robotics Research Institute

Southern University of Science and Technology

Prof. Jian S. Dai

  • Chair in Mechanisms and Robotics

  • RAE Fellow (FREng), IEEE Fellow, ASME Fellow, RSA Fellow, IMechE Fellow, CEng

  • Chair of IFToMM (International Federation of Mechanisms and Machines) UK Board

  • Editor-in-Chief of Robotica (Est. 1983)

  • Subject Editor of Mechanism and Machine Theory

  • Associate Editor of Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design

  • Associate Editor of Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

  • Past Chair of ASME UK & Ireland Section

Professor Jian Dai has made a pioneering contribution to mechanical engineering, most notably by his contributions to the fundamental theory, design and applications of mechanisms and robotic systems.
He is particularly noted for having introduced the concept of metamorphic and reconfigurable mechanisms that can be folded and re-erected with origami techniques to form mobile or multi-functional devices. Many of these mechanisms have been taken forward to commercialization by spin-outs and major industries. He received the DED Mechanisms and Robotics Award established in 1974, and was the 58th recipient of the most prestigious ASME Machine Design Award established in 1958.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Manufacturing Research Tennessee Technological University

Prof. Kwun-Lon Ting

  • Member, ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Committee, 2005-

  • Chair, Theoretical and Computational Kinematics Symposium, 2006 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference

  • Member, Mechanism and Transmission Committee, the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering, 2002-

  • Honorary Member, Editorial Committee, Machine Design and Research, China, 2001-

  • Who's Who in the South and Southwest

  • Who's Who in Science and Engineering

  • Outstanding Service Award, Applied Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 1989

  • Outstanding Young Men of America, 1986

  • Co-Director and Paper Review Chairman, National Applied Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 1989-1991

  • Technical Committee, National Applied Mechanisms and Robotic Conference, 1989-1999

  • Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004 –

  • A.T. Yang Memorial Award, ASME Design Engineering Division, 2009

  • South-Pointing Chariot Award, Applied Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 1999-2000

  • Caplenor Faculty Research Award, 2008-09

  • Kinslow Outstanding Engineering Research Award, Tennessee Tech University, 1997

  • B. Roth Award, National Conference on Applied Mechanisms and robotics, 1993

  • Kinslow Outstanding Engineering Research Award, Tennessee Tech University, 1992

  • Outstanding Young Men of America, 1986

  • Who's Who in the South and Southwest

  • Who's Who in Science and Engineering

  • Service Award, Applied Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 1989

  • Research Initiation Award, National Science Foundation, 1983

  • Seasky Chair Professor, Dalian University of Technology, China

  • Honorary Professor, Hubei Province and Hubei University of Technology, China

  • World Renowned Scientist Visiting Program, Hubei, China 2014, 2015

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